Field Form
Maintenance Service

Maintenance is the key to keeping your garden healthy and productive all year. 

We recommend three to five maintenance visits per year: a big spring cleaning to open your garden, a midsummer visit to feed, prune, and take care of small projects, and an end-of-season cleanup and winterization, with in-between visits for planting, weeding, fertilizer, and other details.

Seasonal Agreements & As-Needed Visits

We offer our services in two ways: packaged as part of seasonal maintenance agreements and on an as-needed basis. 

When we make a seasonal agreement we map out a year-long plan for your garden with approximate dates of service and long-term goals, and we keep track of your progress – including when you’re due for your next visit. 

When we work together on an as-needed basis, you let us know when you would like a visit, and what you’re interested in accomplishing.

Which Service is Right for You?

Quick Little Visit (up to 2 hrs) 

Pop-by service. Perfect for smaller spaces like stoops and side yards, special projects, and mid-season details. 

Half-Day Garden Cleanup 

Our most popular service. Great for regular maintenance in brownstone backyards. Plenty of time to whip things into shape, take good care of existing plants, and even add some new ones.

Full-Day Garden Cleanup 

The whole nine. Great for opening a garden after winter, or closing one up at the end of the season. Also recommended for larger gardens and houses with multiple outdoor spaces. Plenty of time for larger plantings and special projects. 

What’s Included?

A visit may include any or all of the following:

— Weeding, raking & leaf removal

— Pruning, shaping of trees & shrubs

— Shaping, deadheading & general plant care

— Planting & transplanting 

— Mulching & soil amendment

— Pest control

— General tidy-up & sweep

— Disposal of waste, trimmings & debris


Plants, soil, mulch, fertilizer 

Tree removal 
